Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lindsay Lohan arrested again

Lindsay was arrested Wed in NYC after she hit a man with her car, the man claimed she had a strong smell of alcohol on her and had slurred speech.
Once again Lindsay Lohan is in the news.
Lindsay was driving through a crowd outside dream downtown when she hit him in the knee, police said.
She was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and the police said there was no evidence that she was intoxicated.
The people at the scene said Lindsay and her friends acted like it was no big deal to them,and since she was a movie star she could just drive away,they are disappointed in her to say the least.
But police said that video clearly showed a contradiction to what the man who was hit told them and also said that the incident was blown up and should work its self out in a few days.
Lindsay is on the comeback trail and I am certain will be back as one of Hollywood's top actresses in the next few years.

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